Comandos Admin
Admin Command List:
This is the list of commands you can type into the console when logged in as an Admin.
kick ac getplayers Lists the id, name, score and ip address of each player currently on the server.
kick ac balanceteams Attempts to balance the teams.
kick ac lockteams Locks/Unlocks the teams so that only Admins can change a player's team.
kick ac getbans Lists the last 35 ip ban rules.
kick ac gettempbans Lists the last 35 temporary ip ban rules.
kick ac addban Adds an ip/range to the ban list.
kick ac removeban Removes an ip/range from the ban list.
kick ac help Lists all the ac commands.
kick ac info Lists some information about the mod.
kick ac sc servercommand Sends a command to the dedicated server console.
kick ac motd msg Replace msg with your message - sets the message of the day, enter no msg to remove the motd.
kick ac saveconfig Saves the current server settings, useful after a kick ac sc set command.
kick ac restart Restarts the server with the secondary maplist.
kick ac restoresag Restores the saved maps to the normal maplist and runs Smash And Grab mode.
kick ac restoremaps Restores the saved maps to the normal maplist.
kick ac savemaps Saves the normal maplist to the secondary maplist.
kick ac getmaps Lists all current maps in the normal maplist.
kick ac getsavedmaps Lists all maps saved in the secondary maplist.
kick ac kickban Kicks and bans a player.
kick ac kick id/name Kicks a player.
kick ac makevip id/name Makes the specified player the VIP.
kick ac forcename id/name newname Forces the specified new name upon the player.
kick ac forcelesslethal id/name Forces the specified player to use less lethal weapons for one round (or gives back their weapons if already in use).
kick ac switchteam id/name Switches the specified player's team.
kick ac switchall Switches everyone’s team.
kick ac lockeddefaultteam None/Swat/Suspect Sets the default team for connecting players if the teams are locked.
kick ac forceleader id/name Forces the specified player to become the coop leader.
kick ac say msg Prints a message to every player’s chat area.
kick ac as msg Replace msg with your message – prints a message to every Admin’s chat area.
kick ac lockmaplist Locks/Unlocks the maplist so that it cannot be changed.
Admin Mod by <|TGC|Gez>
kick ac forcenoweapons id/name Forces the specified player to use no weapons for one round (or gives back their weapons if already in use).
kick ac forcespec id/name Forces the specified player to enter free roam spectator mode.
kick ac forceview id/name Forces the specified player to enter view team spectator mode.
kick ac forcejoin id/name Forces the specified player to re-join the game.
kick ac forcemute id/name Stops the specified player from chatting (or allows them to chat again if already in use).
Client Command List:
This is the list of commands any client can use by typing them in the console.
kick cc join Puts you back into the game.
kick cc spec Puts you into free spectator mode.
kick cc view Lets you view through the eyes of players on your team.
kick cc menu Opens the Client-Side menu
kick cc help Lists all the client commands.